What’s the difference between a LCD and LED screen?

When you are comparing displays for a laptopdesktop computer, or even a flat-screen television, you will often see them referred to as either LCD or LED. You may wonder what the differences between the two technologies are, and which one is better for your needs.

Truthfully, the comparison between LCD and LED displays is a bit tricky, as they can be the same thing. In fact, the terms may be somewhat interchangeable for some models. Confused? You should be.

LCD stands for liquid crystal display, which refers to tiny crystals that make up the pixels of an LCD display. The crystals don’t create light themselves, but instead they filter the light to create colors that combine to make the image on the screen. The light for the picture is actually supplied by the backlight located behind the crystals and the inverter board.

Originally, LCD displays used fluorescent lamps as backlights, which provide a fairly bright light but are prone to uneven lighting and generally use a lot of power. In many cases when someone refers to an LCD display, they are referring to a display that uses fluorescent backlighting. These displays are becoming less common.

LED displays are those that use LED (light emitting diodes) lights as a backlight. LEDs use less power than fluorescent bulbs and usually provide a brighter and more even light for the display. However, LED backlights still shine through LCDs to create the color for the display. This is where much of the confusion between the two technologies happens.

In summary; a display that is referred to as LCD could mean one that uses fluorescent OR LED backlighting, though it generally refers to those with fluorescent backlights. LED refers to a display with LED backlighting, but it is worth knowing that LED displays are still technically LCD displays as well.

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Wie Pflegt Man Einen Akku?

Das hängt vom System ab. Ein Ni-Cd-Akku muß z.B. vor jedem Laden immer gründlich entladen werden. Dazu verwendet man am besten ein Ladegerät mit Entladefunktion. Allen Akkus tut gelegentliches „Zykeln“ ganz gut: Dabei werden die Akkus mehrmals hintereinander entladen und wieder aufgeladen. Dadurch wird die durch Memory-Effekt eingeschränkte Leistungsfähigkeit wiederhergestellt.

Schadet Schnelladen Meinem Akku?

Nein. Das Laden in Schnelladegeräten dauert ca. 1-2 Stunden, im Gegensatz zu über 10 Stunden Ladezeit bei den Normalladegeräten. Der relativ hohe Strom des Schnelladegeräts erfordert allerdings eine besonders zuverlässige Abschaltung, sobald die Volladung erreicht ist.

Wie Schnell Wird Ein Akku Geladen?

Dies hängt vom jeweils verwendeten Ladegerät ab: Je höher der Ladestrom des Ladegeräts, desto schneller ist der Akku voll. Das Normalladen dauert ca. 10 bis 16 Stunden (die typische „Über-Nacht-Aufladung“). Schnelladen geht in etwa 2 bis 3 Stunden, Ultraschnelladen kann die Akkus schon ab ca. 30 Minuten wieder füllen. Genaue Hinweise bieten die Betriebsanleitungen der Ladegeräte.